Opening a TitleEase Franchise provides you with more than a basic business framework. The TitleEase Franchise System is a complete, comprehensive business model for launching and operating your title company. The System provides you the support you need to operate your business on a daily basis and ongoing support and tools to grow successfully. Further, it provides you the training and information on how to start and run your business, including licensing, regulatory requirements, hiring, staffing, title production, technology, policies and procedures, and marketing your TitleEase Franchise. The best thing is that the System has been tested, honed, and proven to work. Our System simplifies starting and operating your own title company!

Opening a Business from Scratch
You have to lay out the framework yourself. This involves creating and documenting processes and guidelines for each aspect of your business. These include regulatory requirements, systems and technology, third-party relationships and resources, daily title production operations, and accounting and reporting. You may have the ability to control each process, but unless you’ve run a title business before, you will not know whether your framework will operate efficiently or produce success. This means you’ll have to face the risk of learning from trial and error. Also, starting from scratch can be time-consuming, often delaying the initialization of revenue production, ultimately costing you more than leveraging a franchise model.
We have created an opportunity to purchase a title and closing franchise. Under our unique System, the franchisee and the franchisor share in the responsibilities associated with operating a fully compliant title and closing company while providing high quality service to the consumer.
As franchisor in your exciting new venture, we are partner that adds value to the title and settlement services process every step of the way. We perform every transaction together!
Part of a Larger Organization
TitleEase Franchise – You are part of an organization that gives you a System, resources and ongoing support, providing instant credibility and confidence in your title and settlement services suite of products.
From Scratch — Since your business is new, you can expect to work hard to build a quality team and create a company that people will recognize and respect. Unfortunately, this takes time and often considerable effort and costs.
Resources and Collaboration
TitleEase Franchise – You do not have to solely rely on your knowledge and resources; you will have the support of the TitleEase team partnering with you on every transaction. You will also have access to a more significant network of industry participants and third-party service providers.
From Scratch — You can join associations and network with others in your profession. However, you are solely responsible for the success of your business. You will have to locate and contract with resources when you need them, determine who to turn to for assistance, and how to operate within a highly regulated industry.
About TitleEase Franchise
TitleEase is a member of the Lincoln Family of companies that is focused on helping mortgage lenders and brokers, real estate professionals, title professionals and entrepreneurs start and run their own title company. For over a decade, the Lincoln Family of companies have been serving clients’ title and settlement services needs. Our national relationships and resources will back your fully compliant title and settlement services business. In addition, we will assist you in estimating monthly gross income and EBITDA figures your title company may produce.
To learn more about this opportunity, contact us or call 1-877-696-5462 to speak with a representative today!